Stanford will host several events celebrating the life and legacy of Martin Luther King, Jr., including a documentary film festival, an interreligious symposium, a worship service, and more. There are also a number of events happening around the Bay Area. View events on the MLK@Stanford site »
LGBTQ+ Photoshoot Volunteers Needed
The Stanford Health Care Marketing team is looking for Stanford Medicine employees and/or SHC patients to volunteer to model in an upcoming photoshoot to represent the LGBTQ+ community that Stanford Medicine’s LGBTQ+ Health Program cares for. These images will be used in a variety of marketing print and digital campaigns. If you…
Submit your contact info for staff directory
All, We recently transitioned to an online staff directory: The directory is SUnet protected and can only be accessed when you are logged in with your SUnet ID. However, we need information from some of our staff: Please fill out the form with your phone number, photo, and Slack…
Reminder: Neuro Brown Bag Book Club on January 18
Happy New Year, everyone! This is a friendly reminder that our next Neuro Brown Bag Book Club will be Wednesday, January 18 at noon on the CAM Plaza. We’ll be discussing “Demon Copperhead” by Barbara Kingsolver – I couldn’t put this one down and look forward to hearing what you…
Neurosurgery Internal Portal is live!
Please bookmark Neurosurgery’s internal portal website: The internal portal features: A huge thank you to all the groups who met with the Communications Team and put together information and resources for the website! We greatly appreciate your collaboration. We welcome suggestions and feedback about the site. Please send feedback…
Dr. Tass featured on the TODAY Show
Dr. Peter Tass was featured on TODAY this week for his Parkinson’s research. The segment highlights the vibrotactile glove his lab developed, which has led to life-changing results for some patients. Story link here >