Understand how to use ServiceNow for badging, access, and security requests.How to access the ServiceNow portal: https://stanfordhc.service-now.com/sfts How to determine which catalog to choose for the request:
Category: Internal Portal
New Clinical Trials Residuals Policy
The Department of Neurosurgery has created a new policy regarding residual funds that remain after a clinical trial ends. This document can be found at: https://stanfordmedicine.box.com/s/ii97oyb2gnqjgzebsjq3ckszlvd0k4y8 This document can also be found on the Neurosurgery Internal Portal on the Research Administration Resources page, under the heading “Department-specific policies” For any…
Reminder: Travel & Expense Tip Sheet
Our Travel & Expense Tip Sheet was recently updated. The latest version can be found here: https://stanfordmedicine.app.box.com/file/1088047263402?s=csj0wfmv44o1hqx5c0lzbcwrufcn1mmx The Tip Sheet can also be found on the Neurosurgery Internal Portal on the Finance Resources page under the “Travel” tab: https://med.stanford.edu/neurosurgery-portal/resources/finance.html#travel
Stanford Neurosurgery Org Charts
The Department of Neurosurgery’s org charts are now available! Please find them on the internal portal on the Human Resources page: https://med.stanford.edu/neurosurgery-portal/resources/human-resources.html The org charts are located under the heading “HR Resources”
Updated Neurosurgery Directories
We have transitioned to Google Drive for our directories. Going forward, they will be updated in real time rather than published and circulated quarterly. Please bookmark these links: Neurosurgery DirectoriesStaff DirectoryFaculty DirectoryLab Directory Please ensure you are logged into Google with your Stanford email in order to access our directories….
Submit your contact info for staff directory
All, We recently transitioned to an online staff directory: https://med.stanford.edu/neurosurgery-portal/directory/staff.html The directory is SUnet protected and can only be accessed when you are logged in with your SUnet ID. However, we need information from some of our staff: Please fill out the form with your phone number, photo, and Slack…