It’s vacation time! At the end of July many of us are trying to squeeze in those final vacation days before summer ends. Getting away is a great way to reset mentally but often times a different schedule allows us to fall back into some unhealthy ways.
Here are some tips to ensure you stay on track even when you are away:
Move More
- Start the trip off on the right foot. If you’re flying, get in extra steps by avoiding the conveyor belt people-movers in the airport. Instead of sitting around waiting to board, how about walking around to get in some extra steps. If you’re driving, be sure to stop frequently for stretch breaks and even short walks around rest areas.
- Many hotels have a gym or a pool on premises or nearby that their customers can use. Getting in a workout might mean waking up early to slip away before family activities and business seminars, but it will get the blood flowing (and reduce stress) for the rest of the day, too.
- Explore your surroundings on foot. Go for a long walk or get in a morning jog. You’ll get to soak in the sights while burning the calories.
Eat Smart
- Be mindful of what you’re eating. It’s easy to overdo it, especially when grabbing fast food on the road or at the airport. Unfamiliar foods can be tricky to gauge, too, so be mindful of what you’re putting into your body.
- Pack healthy snacks. It’s easier to skip the fast food on a trip when you’ve got nuts, apple slices and celery sticks with you.
- Make wise choices when eating out. Making smart choices like grilled chicken or fish with a side salad and a steamed vegetable 80% of the time but allow yourself to indulge once in awhile too.
Most importantly, enjoy the time off. Focus on being present in the moment and being grateful for the chance to get away.