Now that the weather is nicer a great way to take care of yourself mentally and physically is take a break from work and do a short walk.
Walking is good for your body and your mind. Along with physical benefits, walking can help improve your concentration, increases your creativity and boosts your mood.
Studies show that doing several short walks is just as beneficial as doing one long walk. Take frequent breaks from work, get up from your desk and get some steps in -even if only for a few minutes.
On Campus:
We have such a beautiful campus with so much to see. Use this interactive walking times map to plan a walk based on your location and the amount of time you have. Or enjoy these self-guided tours of interesting spots on campus.
At Home
If you are working remotely here are a few suggestions to build walking into your day:
- Take a phone call outside while you walk around your block
- Take a 15-minute walk before you start work to begin your day on a positive note