You are welcome to attend the eWEAR Annual Meeting Symposium on Wednesday, 2/8! Dr. Peter Tass will be presenting on the topic: Haptic glove for Parkinson’s therapy which may be of interest to you along with the other presentations.
Speaker bios and abstracts can be found on the eWEAR website. Join us in-person and enjoy lunch, a reception, and a poster session! More details below.
Wednesday, February 8, 2023
Morning Session | 9:00 am – 12:30 pm PST
Entrepreneur Pitch Competition | 1:30 pm – 4:00 pm PST (closed session)
Poster Session | 4:30 pm – 6:30 pm PST (in-person only
This hybrid symposium features in-person presentations on research innovations for future wearables at Stanford & by leading companies. The Stanford University community (with SUNetID) & eWEAR Industrial Affiliate Program members are welcome to attend FREE. (Register Here).
Join us in-person for:
Lunch, Poster Session, and Reception with beer, wine, soft drinks & appetizers
Professor Zhenan Bao, “Recent Progress in Skin-Inspired Wearables”
Amir Foudeh, Ph.D. (Neuralink), “Neuralink at a glance”
Professor Michael Snyder, “Remote Health Monitoring Using Wearables and Microsampling”
Professor Peter Tass, Topic: Haptic glove for Parkinson’s therapy
Nick West, M.D. (Abbott), “Wearables for the diagnosis & monitoring of cardiovascular disease”
More information can be found at eWEAR Conferences.
Questions? Contact wearable-electronics@stanford.edu