Stanford Campus BeWell Fair

Let’s go to the BeWell Wellness Fair together! Giveaways, therapy dogs, Farmer’s Market, dance demo, DJ and more. 10 am:  Meet at the CAM Courtyard 10:15 am:  We’ll walk together to Koret Plaza Bring: If you bring an item for the donation drive, you’ll help feed families and be entered into a raffle. Pop-top cans,...

Board Game Lunch!

Bring your lunch and join us for fun & games on the last Wednesday of each month. Next Game Day is Wednesday, May 29th, 11:30am – 12:30pm, CAM 249 Do you have games you’d like to donate to our Monthly Board Games Lunch? You can leave your game on Alison...

Pickleball Session 1

Stanford Main Campus – West Courts 188 Electioneer Way

Pickleball Session 2

Stanford Main Campus – West Courts 188 Electioneer Way

Women and Allies Employee Resource Group Summer Event

Women and Allies Employee Resource Group Summer Event – You are invited to the Women and Allies Employee Resource Group Summer Celebration to be held at the hospital rooftop garden on Tuesday July 30th.  Lunch will be served so please RSVP by July 23rd RSVP

Cardinal Walk

Stanford Stadium

The 2024 Cardinal Walk will take place (weather permitting) on Wednesday August 7th from 11:00AM – 1:00PM at Stanford Stadium.  Hope to see you there! For more information visit:

Pickleball Session 3

Stanford Main Campus – West Courts 188 Electioneer Way

Multicultural Potluck

CAM Ground Rounds Room

Multicultural Potluck –  Everyone is invited to participate and present a dish at the Multicultural Potluck that will be held on Wednesday August 14th from 12:00PM – 1:30PM in the grand rounds room.  If you are interested sign up RSVP

Queer of Color Community Mixer

Lorry Lokey Stem Cell Research Building 265 Campus Drive, Stanford, CA, United States

The School of Medicine Staff JEDI Collective, The Institute for Stem Cell Biology and Regenerative Medicine and the Department of Bioengineering JEDI Task Force invite all School of Medicine Staff Members who identify as LGBTQ+ People of Color  to a community mixer on Tuesday August 20th from 4:00 – 5:30PM...

Pickleball Session 4

Stanford Main Campus – West Courts 188 Electioneer Way

Anti-Inflammatory Cooking & Eating for Wellness Workshop

Please join us for our second Healthy Living for Teams workshop: Anti-Inflammatory Cooking & Eating for Wellness Workshop, hosted by the Wellness Committe, All staff, residents, Clinical Instructors and faculty are all invited to attend. Thursday, August 22, 11 -12 PM, via zoom. Please RSVP at the SmartSheet Form